History is a double edged sword; on the one hand it creates political and social consciousness and tolerance, on the other it can tum a society prejudiced, narrow minded and intolerant. Interpreted with a political, social, religious and economic perspective, its impact can vary; it depends in the conditions history is written and the interests it represents.
History is a double edged sword; on the one hand it creates political and social consciousness and tolerance, on the other it can tum a society prejudiced, narrow minded and intolerant. Interpreted with a political, social, religious and economic perspective, its impact can vary; it depends in the conditions history is written and the interests it represents.
In the religious historiography, the task of history is to fulfil the divine mission. According to it, man has no power to interfere in the process; he is just a passive actor having no choice of his own. Following this method attempts are made to find an ideal period in history pristine and virtuous enough to be presented as a model. In fact, according to this point of view, historical forces have exhausted their energy and vitality in shaping and building such a society and while man moved from this ideal period, he polluted and distorted its purity and simplicity and made progress impossible in damaging and disfiguring traditions and values