Kingship is one of the oldest institutions in history which has survived in spite of all vicissitudes of politics: civil wars, assassinations, deposition from throne, and overthrowing and beheading by adversaries. It emerged again and again from the debris of revolution and ashes of civil wars. Today, some' kings are surviving after surrendering their powers and some of them are enjoying their old status because of absence of any challenge. Historically, the institution passed through different stages and structured and re-structured itself according to its interest and fulfilling the demands of time.
Kingship is one of the oldest institutions in history which has survived in spite of all vicissitudes of politics: civil wars, assassinations, deposition from throne, and overthrowing and beheading by adversaries. It emerged again and again from the debris of revolution and ashes of civil wars. Today, some' kings are surviving after surrendering their powers and some of them are enjoying their old status because of absence of any challenge. Historically, the institution passed through different stages and structured and re-structured itself according to its interest and fulfilling the demands of time. James Frazer in Golden Bough traces the origin of kingship in human society and how the king became the strongest person in the community. According to him the earliest position of a king was that of a magician; he was regarded as the most powerful man who had control over natural forces and was able to protect people from evil forces and natural calamities. This concept transformed him into a holy and sacred person and he was treated as god whose orders should be obeyed. To elevate his status, the magician-king
posed as a son of the moon or the sun which were considered mysterious objects; to people it was done to alienate himself from ordinary human beings and raise his status to that of a superhuman.